Sikap peduli merupakan soft skill yang utama. Kepedulian harus diajarkan dengan praktek nyata agar benar-benar melekat pada perilaku anak.


Pembelajaran diarahkan pada suasana yang ramah anak, sehingga anak menjadi senang belajar dan berprestasi.


Membaca adalah gerbang pengetahuan. Pembiasaan membaca perlu ditanamkan sejak dini. No days without reading.


Masjid Nabawi adalah masjid suci yang terletak di kota Madinah al Munawaroh. Sholat di dalamnya sama dengan sholat 1000 kali di masjid yang lain.


Setiap siswa berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda kemudian disatukan di kelas yang sama. Anugerah kebersamaan ini haruslah disyukuri dengan kerjasama yang baik.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hasil Revisi Kurikulum 2013 Pada Pembelajaran,Penilaian Dan Kriteria Ketuntasan

Revisi Kurikulum 2013 telah usai, beberapa point penting dalam revisi kurikulum 2013 yang sudah diimplementasikan pada tahun 2016 ini secara signifikan perlu kita perhatikan beberapa revisi Kurikulum 2013 setelah pengehentian sementara dan kini k13 secara bertahap akan diterapkan secara Nasional dalam istilah Kurikulum Nasional atau Kurikulum 2013 yang dilaksanakan secara nasional.

Sistem Penilaian dalam Kurikulum 2013 akan mengalami perubahan kembali, dari sistem satuan (1 - 4) dikembalikan menjadi puluhan (0 - 100) seperti pada sistem sebelumnya. Ini disebabkan karena banyaknya aduan dari Orang Tua Wali murid yang sulit mengerti dengan sistem Penilaian yang dilakukan seperti di Perguruan Tinggi.

Beberapa Perubahan Penilaian dalam K13 yang akan diterapkan dalam tahun ini antara lain :
  1. Penilaian Sikap
  2. Ketuntasan Belajar
  3. Mekanisme dan Prosedur
  4. Pengolahan
  5. Laporan Hasil Belajar
Konsep Penilaian 
Tujuan penilaian:
Formatif(membentuk karakter dan perilaku, menjadikan peserta didik sebagai pembelajar sepanjang hayat); diagnostik(melihat perkembangan peserta didik dan feedback-koreksi pembelajaran), dan mengukur achievement/capaian agar dapat dilakukan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran
Ranah yang dinilai:
  • Pengetahuan
  • Keterampilan dan
  • Sikap dan perilaku (attitude and behavior pembiasaan dan pembudayaan)
Proses penilaian: lebih sederhana, terjangkau untuk dilakukan, tidak menjadi beban bagi guru/siswa, tetapi tetap mengutamakan prinsip dan kaidah penilaian

Penilaian yang dilakukan tidak hanya penilaian atas pembelajaran (assessment of learning), melainkan juga penilaian untuk pembelajaran (assessmet for learning) dan penilaian sebagai pembelajaran (assessment as learning).

Penilaian Untuk, Sebagai dan Atas Pembelajaran
Pengertian Penilaian Autentik
Penilaian Autentik adalah bentuk penilaian yang menghendaki peserta didik menampilkan sikap, menggunakan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperoleh dari pembelajaran dalam melakukan tugas pada situasi yang sesungguhnya

Tujuan Penilaian Authentic
  1. Menjadikan siswa pembelajar yang berhasil menguasai pengetahuan
  2. Melatih ketrampilan siswa menggunakan pengetahuannya dalam konteks kehidupannya
  3. Memberi kesempatan siswa menyelesaikan masalah nyata
  4. Prinsip Penilaian
  5. Mendorong siswa berpikir krirtis dan menerapkan pengetahuan
  6. Mengukur capaian kompetensi siswa
  7. Penilaian berdasar kriteria (criterion-referenced)
  8. Berkelanjutan, untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan
  9. Analisa untuk tindak lanjut pembelajaran
  10. Sesuai pengalaman belajar siswa
  11. Prinsip Khusus Penilaian Authentic
  12. Materi penilaian dikembangkan dari kurikulum.
  13. Bersifat lintas muatan atau mata pelajaran.
  14. Berkaitan dengan kemampuan peserta didik.
  15. Berbasis kinerja peserta didik.
  16. Memotivasi belajar peserta didik.
  17. Menekankan pada kegiatan dan pengalaman belajar peserta didik.
  18. Memberi kebebasan peserta didik untuk mengkonstruksi responnya.
  19. Menekankan keterpaduan sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan.
  20. Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir divergen.
  21. Menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari pembelajaran.
  22. Menghendaki balikan yang segera dan terus menerus.
  23. Menekankan konteks yang mencerminkan dunia nyata.
  24. Terkait dengan dunia kerja.
  25. Menggunakan data yang diperoleh langsung dari dunia nyata.
  26. Menggunakan berbagai cara dan instrumen.
  27. Tujuan Penilaian 
  28. Penilaian Hasil Belajar oleh Pendidik bertujuan untuk:
Formatif (membentuk karakter dan perilaku, menjadikan pembelajar sepanjang hayat – to drive learning, terampil),
Diagnostik (melihat perkembangan siswa dan feedback-koreksi pembelajaran), serta
Achievement (mengukur capaian agar dapat dilakukan evaluasi hasil pembelajaran

Prinsip-prinsip Penilaian

Penilaian Hasil Belajar oleh Pendidik dilakukan terhadap penguasaan tingkat kompetensi sebagai capaian pembelajaran. Jadi bukan KOMPETISI
Penilaian kompetensi merupakan penilaian DISKRIT bukan KONTINU
Penilaian DISKRIT pada skala 0 – 100
Penilaian dalam bentuk deskripsi dengan klasisfikasi: tidak/atau kurang kompeten, cukup kompeten, kompeten, sangat kompeten

Kriteria Ketuntasan
Penilaian berdasarkan Acuan Kriteria: penilaian kemajuan peserta didik dibandingkan dengan kriteria capaian kompetensi yang ditetapkan.
Ketuntasan kompetensi sikap dalam bentuk deskripsi minimal Baik.
Skor rerata untuk ketuntasan kompetensi pengetahuan ditetapkan minimal 60.
Capaian optimum untuk ketuntasan kompetensi keterampilan ditetapkan minimal 60.
Sekolah dapat menentukan batas ketuntasan diatas standar dengan mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek tertentu sesuai dengan karakteristik dan potensi sekolah
Nilai pengetahuan dan keterampilan menggunakan angka 0 - 100. (tanpa dilengkapi dengan predikat D-A )
Penyempurnaan pada Penilaian Kelas

Penilaian sikap dilakukan dengan menggunakan observasi yang dituangkan dalam catatan guru mata pelajaran, guru bimbingan konseling (BK), dan wali kelas yang berupa catatan anekdot (anecdotal record), catatan kejadian tertentu (incidental record), dan informasi lain yang valid dan relevan.

Dalam pelaksanaan penilaian sikap diasumsikan setiap peserta didik memiliki perilaku yang baik, sehingga jika tidak dijumpai perilaku yang sangat baik atau kurang baik maka nilai sikap peserta didik tersebut dianggap sesuai dengan indikator yang diharapkan.

Penilaian diri dan penilaian antar teman dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pembinaan dan pembentukan karakter siswa, sehingga hasilnya dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat konfirmasi dari hasil penilaian sikap oleh pendidik.

Penilaian Sikap

Penilaian Sikap adalah penilaian terhadap perilaku peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran, di dalam kelas, dan di luar kelas untuk menumbuhkembangkan sikap, perilaku dan karakter setiap peserta didik.
Penilaian sikap Spiritual dilakukan dalam rangka membentuk sikap siswa agar mampu menghargai, menghayati, dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
Penilaian sikap Sosial dilakukan utk membentuk sikap sosial siswa yang mampu menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli, santun, dan percaya diri dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan lingkungan alam dimana mereka berada

Langkah-langkah membuat rekapitulasi penilaian kompetensi sikap selama satu semester:
  • Guru MP, wali kls, dan BK melakukan penilaian sikap selama pembelajaran melalui pengamatan dengan mencatat setiap kejadian yang menonjol
  • Catatan hasil pengamatan sikap yang dilakukan oleh guru MP , wali kls, dan BK serta hasil catatan penilaian diri dan antar teman dikelompokkan ke dalam kompetensi sikap spiritual dan kompetensi 
  • sikap sosial.
  • Buat deskripsi pada kompetensi sikap spiritual dan kompetensi sikap sosial yang sesuai dengan pencapaian peserta didik berdasarkan catatan observasi.
  • Deskripsi pada kompetensi sikap ditulis dengan kalimat positif berdasarkan kumpulan hasil observasi (catatan) aspek yang menonjol.
  • Deskripsi kompetensi sikap spiritual dan sikap sosial yang belum mencapai kriteria (indikator) dideskripsikan sebagai aspek yang perlu pembimbingan.
  • Deskripsi sikap setiap siswa oleh guru MP diserahkan ke wali kelas
  • Wali kelas mengolah deskripsi setiap siswa asuhnya untuk menjadi deskripsi sikap akhir
  • Wali kelas menulis deskripsi sikap setiap siswa pada rapor. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Grammar Guide – Verb Tense


Every sentence has a subject and a main verb. Verbs describe what the subject is doing. To be able to show exactly what the subject does at any time, verbs have different forms and tenses. In order to speak and write English correctly, you must learn the various verb forms and tenses.
Learning Hint:
To use verbs accurately, learn the standard verb forms and tenses. Memorize common irregular verb forms that do not follow standard forms.

Verb Forms

Verbs have five forms:
Form Verb Example Irregular Verb Example
Infinitive walk run
Past tense walked ran
Past participle walked run
Present participle walking running
-s or -es form walks runs
The only verb with more than 5 forms is be
Form Verb
Infinitive be
Past tense was (for I / he / she / it); were (for we / you / they)
Past participle be, been
Present participle being
-s / -es form --
The verb be also has 3 present tense forms (am, is, are) while all other verbs have one.

Infinitive Form The infinitive form is the plain or dictionary form. It is used when the verb's action happens in the present and the subject is a plural noun or the pronouns I, we, you, or they:
I go to work.
You cook very well.
We live downtown.
They help me.

Past Tense Form The past tense shows the verb's action happened in the past. It is usually made by adding -d or -ed to the infinitive. The past tense is formed differently for most irregular verbs:
We lived downtown.
They helped me.
I went to work. (Irregular verb)

Past Participle and Present Participle Form
The past participle is used with the verb have (have / has / had) to create the present and past perfect tenses. The past participle form is also used to modify nouns and pronouns. One example is the phrase sliced bread.
The past participle is usually the same as the past tense form. Only some irregular verbs have a past participle that is different than their past tense form.
We have lived downtown.
They have helped me.
I have gone to work. (Irregular verb)
The present participle is made by adding -ing to a verbs infinitive form:
The present participle can modify nouns and pronouns. One example is the phrase running water. When used as a noun (example: smoking is bad), the present participle is known as a gerund. The present participle is also used to create the progressive tense.

-S Form
The -s form of a verb is made from the infinitive of the verb. This form is used when the verb's action is in the present and the subject is third-person singular. Third-person singular is a singular noun (examples: desk, John), or a singular indefinite pronoun (examples: everybody, someone), or the personal pronouns he / she / it.
How the -s form is made depends on the last letter of the verb:
Verb Ending To Make Third Person Singular Example
s add -es Pass - It passes
sh add -es Wish - Everyone wishes
ch add -es Watch - She watches
consonant + y change y to i and add -es Try - He tries
Any other letter add -s Drink - He drinks

Verb Types

Irregular Verbs
Many verbs do not follow the rules to make the different forms. They are called irregular verbs. No single rule explains how to make their past tense and past participle forms. The irregular verbs must be memorized. These are some of the common irregular verbs:
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
choose chose chosen
do did done
drink drunk drank
eat ate eaten
give gave given
forget forgot forgotten
lie lay lain
let let let
see saw seen
sleep slept slept
throw threw thrown
write wrote written

Helping Verbs
Another important type of verb is the helping or auxiliary verb. Helping verbs show tense and can show person, number, voice or mood. These verbs combine with a main verb to form a verb phrase. A main verb is an infinitive, a present participle or past participle. These are verb phrase examples:
will give
has been working
can go
Some helping verbs combine with main verbs to show time and voice. These helping verbs are shall, will, have (has / had), do (does / did) and the forms of be (am / is / are / was / were / been / being):
We will live downtown. We did not live downtown.
They shall help me. They were helped.
I have been working. I had worked.

Modal Verbs
Helping verbs such as can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will, and would are used to add extra meaning to main verbs. These helping verbs are called modals. They show a necessity, possibility, ability, permission, prediction or responsibility:
You should write that report. We must go.
He can carry heavy objects. I might leave.
The helping verb do (does) or its past tense did is used together with the infinitive of a verb to ask questions, make the negative form, or to show added importance:
Does she work this week? Do they go to school?
Where does he live? Where did they live?
She does not sleep well. She did not sleep well.
You do work every day. He does run on weekends.

A verbal (nonfinite verb) is no longer a verb. It is a verb form used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. A verbal can never be a main verb.
Verbal Example Verb Form
Noun Running is great exercise. present participle
Adjective Blocked printers cannot print. past tense
Adverb We were ready to work. to + infinitive

Verb Tenses

Tense shows the time of a verbs action or being. There are three verb tenses: simple, perfect, and progressive. Each tense has past, present and future forms.
Note: Because tense shows time, a time word in a sentence helps to decide what tense is being used. Most time words can only go with a certain tense. These are some examples:
Present Past Future Progressive
often yesterday tomorrow now
every hour / day / week last week / month next week / month today
every month/year last year next year this month
usually amount of time + ago in + amount of time for + amount of time
for + amount of time

Simple Tense The simple tenses show that an action or state of being is past, present, or future. The present tense shows action that is happening now as a person speaks or writes. The present tense is also used to describe actions that are factual or habitual (commonly repeated over a period of time). The present tense uses the verbs infinitive or the -s form for third person singular subject.
The past tense shows action that has finished as a person speaks or writes. The past tense uses the verbs past tense form.
The future tense shows action that has not happened yet as a person speaks or writes. The future tense uses the helping verb will or shall plus the verbs infinitive.
Tense Regular Verb: Walk Irregular Verb: Run
Present I / you / we / they walk.
He / she / it walks.
I / you / we / they run.
He / she / it runs.
Past I / you / we / they / he / she / it walked. I / you / we / they / he / she / it ran.
Future I / you / we / they / he / she / it will walk. I / you / we / they / he / she / it will run.

Perfect Tense The perfect tenses show that an action was or will be finished BEFORE another time or action happens. The perfect tenses are made with the helping verb have (have / has / had) plus the verbs past participle. All subjects use had for the past perfect tense. All subjects use will have or shall have for the future perfect tense. The infinitive have or has for singular third person is used for the perfect present tense.
Tense Regular Verb: Walk
Present Perfect I / you / we / they have walked.
He / she / it has walked.
Past Perfect I / you / we / they / he / she / it had walked.
Future Perfect I / you / we / they / he / she / it will have walked.
Tense Irregular Verb: Run
Present Perfect I / you / we / they have run.
He / she / it  has run.
Past Perfect I / you / we / they / he / she / it had run.
Future Perfect I / you / we / they / he / she / it will have run.

The present perfect tense can also show that an action started in the past and is still going on in the present.
He has lived downtown. (Action is finished at the time it is written.)
He has worked for three hours. (Action started in the past and is still going on.)
She has always written in a diary. (Action started in the past but continues now.)

Progressive Tense The progressive tenses show continuing action. They can also show how long an action has been going on for an amount of time in the present, past, or future. A verb's present participle joins with some forms of the verb be (am, is, are, was, were) to make the simple progressive tenses.
Tense Example
Present Progressive I am working.
You / we / they are working.
He / she / it is working.
Past Progressive I / he / she / it was working.
You / we / they were working.
Future Progressive I / he / she / it / they / we / you will be working.
The past progressive can show an action that happened in the past and was not finished:
He was doing his work. (He was working, but he may not have finished the work.)
The perfect tense form plus been plus the verbs present participle makes the perfect progressive tenses:
Tense Example
Present Perfect Progressive I / you / we / they have been working.
He  / she / it has been working.
Past Perfect Progressive I / he / she / it / they / we / you had been working.
Future Perfect Progressive I / he / she / it / they / we / you will have been working.
Not all verbs can make a progressive tense. Verbs that have qualities not able to show change cannot make the progressive tense. These are some of the verbs:
be guess seem see
believe include think smell
cost like understand taste
desire love want need
doubt remember wish have
Incorrect:           She is being pretty.
Correct:             She is pretty.
Incorrect:           That is owning to him.
Correct:             He owns that.
Incorrect:           They are wanting a raise.
Correct:             They want a raise.

this article is taken from


Listening in TOEIC is the most difficult part. Let's use this youtube file below to practice!

Check your answer by looking the answer keys below the video!
Happy Learning!

01A 02D 03B 04D 05D 06D 07D 08D 09B 10D
11A 12B 13C 14B 15C 16C 17C 18A 19A 20C
21A 22A 23B 24C 25A 26C 27B 28B 29A 30B
31A 32C 33A 34B 35A 36B 37B 38B 39C 40C
41C 42D 43A 44A 45C 46D 47C 48C 49B 50A
51B 52C 53D 54B 55C 56C 57C 58A 59A 60B
61A 62C 63B 64B 65D 66B 67C 68B 69A 70A
71B 72A 73C 74B 75A 76B 77A 78D 79D 80B
81C 82A 83D 84C 85A 86D 87A 88D 89B 90A
91D 92B 93B 94C 95B 96C 97C 98B 99D 100D

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Kisi-Kisi CPT Kelas 2 Semester 1

Dear students,

The following is the material outline of CPT, 25th January 2016. Joyful learning!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Final Term Exam: Science 1 Grade 2

Final Term Exam: Math 2

Final Term Exam : Math 1

Math Exercise: Money and Lines of Symmetry


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